Joseph Nebus
2012-12-31 07:18:34 UTC
[ ALL file into theater ]
CROW: We don't even get to say hello to anyone?
TOM: Man, austerity stinks.
JOEL: Don't get political this early in the year, Tommy.
JOEL: Sure, now it's mime, but when we got it it was ourms.
TOM: Stanford! Topeka! Tahlequah! Watervliet!
CROW: Google. Because Google is watching you.
TOM: How did we get it, then?
JOEL: I like indie astronomy better.
CROW: ``Well, used to be we didn't walk on the Moon, then we did, then we didn't again, and that brings us to the present day.''
TOM: I like that grunge journalism.
CROW: I'm here for the news-media gangnam style.
CROW: Picture all Google coming to a stop because somebody complained about usenet there.
TOM: Shouldn't this part be for the pharmacy majors?
CROW: Hike!
TOM: That reduces to G2.0.
JOEL: User Agent Mozilla 5.0.
TOM: Women want him. Men want to be him.
TOM: Hey, that's a cracked Photoshop license key!
CROW: Finally, some relief from that *smart* Venus.
TOM: He certainly *is*.
JOEL: He's in a pleasing time-release form.
CROW: Windows 1252 is the version that went to the Model Parliament, right?
TOM: Cut! Print it, Raoul!
TOM: That's not Venus, that's a wart.
CROW: You --- you sank my battleship!
TOM: You can see Oswald turn and shoot Mark David Chapman.
TOM: I hate that you said that.
JOEL: [ Sheepish ] I'm sorry.
TOM: How's its fadder?
CROW: We don't talk about it.
ever comes, that'd be suspicious.
space alien. Just pull your ball cap down over your forehead ...
yeah, all three heads.'
TOM: I'm picturing a flock of astronomers with those little toy microscopes pointing up at the sky and looking at their fingerprints.
CROW: It's all the rage among space geeks with low self-esteem.
CROW: Hades.
CROW: Venus leads the inner solar system in paper cups with jokes written on the bottom!
JOEL: No other planet has so much Mork And Mindy themed bubble gum!
TOM: They're hoping to be the first ISO 9001-certified space thingy.
TOM: Or a seventh grader and a minus-second grader.
JOEL: Two tenth-graders and a minus fifteenth grader.
JOEL: Want to be a peeper too.
TOM: He's running with Vermin Supreme.
JOEL: Vermin knows better.
CROW: Finally my geometry teacher will respect me!
TOM: Or black hole!
JOEL: You'll love cruising in the new Buick Aphrodite 8.
CROW: Prime locations still available.
JOEL: GuthSaturn closing soon!
JOEL: Planets will not last forever.
TOM: No two-headed person has ever been Vice-President.
CROW: The owner of the dog does not have a job as a plumber.
JOEL: Therefore Socrates is a mermaid!
TOM: Logical, logical.
JOEL: I see a painting by Thomas Eakins.
TOM: Pants are rarely worn on the head.
CROW: A person with plenty of time need not run for the train.
TOM: Oranges are not sharp metal instruments.
JOEL: Therefore, Socrates is being chased by a tiger!
TOM: Hipster sunglasses.
JOEL: Or Daffy Duck's.
JOEL: Oh yeah.
CROW: [ Chanting the Dragnet theme ] Dun-dah-dun-dun.
CROW: [ Chanting the Dragnet theme ] Dun-dah-dun-dun-DAAAAAH.
JOEL: Well, nice seeing everyone again.
TOM: Yeah, let's blow this popsicle stand.
[ ALL file out. ]
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the creation and the property of Best Brains. Brad Guth and Guth Venus are the creation and property of Brad Guth, and I certainly don't mean to take over any of that. This fan fiction was created by Joseph Nebus, and should not be taken internally except as ordered by a Venusian. My little Still-Store web site will be back up and running soon with all sorts of new behind-the-scenes coding that petty Venusian minds could not begin to comprehend.
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Keep riffing the posts.
CROW: We don't even get to say hello to anyone?
TOM: Man, austerity stinks.
JOEL: Don't get political this early in the year, Tommy.
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: alt.astronomy,,,
TOM: Space history.CROW: ``Well, used to be we didn't walk on the Moon, then we did, then we didn't again, and that brings us to the present day.'',alt.journalism
CROW: I'm here for the news-media gangnam style.
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 16:42:04 -0700 (PDT)
TOM: Shouldn't this part be for the pharmacy majors?; posting-host=; posting-account=nf79RwoAAABXjvy5ztMzmPxgY1WGoktI
JOEL: Discontinue use of GoktI if symptoms persist.NNTP-Posting-Host:
User-Agent: G2/1.0
X-HTTP-UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1,gzip(gfe)
TOM: Women want him. Men want to be him.
TOM: Hey, that's a cracked Photoshop license key!
Subject: Venus for dummies (6.0) / Brad Guth (GuthVenus)
TOM: He certainly *is*.
Injection-Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2012 23:42:04 +0000
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Lines: 137
Xref: panix
Xref: panix
TOM: So with 85 percent of the vote in we're projecting a win for alt.journalism:263200
JOEL: And in the school board elections has taken the lead.What sort of weird planet geology, or that of its active geodynamics,
looks or acts anything like this?
CROW: A pudding planet geology!looks or acts anything like this?
Thumbnail images of Venus,
[ JOEL holds up his thumb. ]TOM: That's not Venus, that's a wart.
including mgn_c115s095_1.gif (225 m/pixel)
CROW: 225 men per pixel?!
Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
TOM: o/` We didn't start the fire ... o/`Lava channels, Lo Shen Valles, Venus from Magellan Cycle 1
JOEL: C115 S095 underscore 1.CROW: You --- you sank my battleship!
TOM: You can see Oswald turn and shoot Mark David Chapman.
CROW: That's not Venus, that's a picture of my cat!
JOEL: Add some captions you can have your own LOLvenus.TOM: I hate that you said that.
JOEL: [ Sheepish ] I'm sorry.
Not even the most active moon of Jupiter being Io offers up anything
like this
TOM: Io doesn't even try! You invite it to the potluck and it brings a bag of Doritos this
remarkable degree of surface geology complexity,
CROW: Fine dentition, good arch in the back. A good mudder.TOM: How's its fadder?
and there=92s
JOEL: Mostly oats and hay.certainly nothing remotely artificial looking with anything discovered
about the planet Mars
TOM: Apart from the big 'MADE IN TAIWAN' across the Mariner Valley.about the planet Mars
or thus far of any other planet or moon to speak
JOEL: What about Unspeakable Moon?of,
CROW: We don't talk about it.
outside of Venus that gets within 110 LD every 19 months
TOM: Except when taken internally by a physician.(any
closer and we=92d have to reevaluate Venus as a NEO).
CROW: So if you spot Venus coming any closer to Earth than Venuscloser and we=92d have to reevaluate Venus as a NEO).
ever comes, that'd be suspicious.
Of any humanoids or other intelligent species that's capable of
surviving interstellar treks,
TOM: So, what, we're ignoring the total morons who make it across space?surviving interstellar treks,
at least technically should have no
problems with remaining stealthy
CROW: 'Sure, you'll have no trouble being stealthy on Earth, misterproblems with remaining stealthy
space alien. Just pull your ball cap down over your forehead ...
yeah, all three heads.'
or even capable of infiltrating and
mingle within any community of existing life-forms upon any given
planet they chose to study
CROW: I'm imagining a pack of Vulcans wearing costumes trying to hang around a pack of wallabies.mingle within any community of existing life-forms upon any given
planet they chose to study
or even to populate and commercialize by
extracting valuable elements in order to suit their own needs.
TOM: I don't want to be a nitpicker but that sentence was 62 words long and forgot to have a predicate.extracting valuable elements in order to suit their own needs.
Interplanetary travel capability and especially that of interstellar
also represents
CROW: Interplanet Janet!also represents
more than sufficient technical expertise to deal with
any hellish planet like Venus,
JOEL: It also represents being able to get through La Guardia.any hellish planet like Venus,
or even those of whatever cryogenic
CROW: Such as your Liquid Nitrogen Beetles or your Frost Rhododendrons.nature,
because that=92s what advanced physics and good science is fully
capable of doing in spite of the odds against us.
JOEL: They can live on Venus yet they still cannot tell a cabbage from a lettuce!capable of doing in spite of the odds against us.
If anything, the metallicity of Venus is somewhat greater than Earth,
TOM: But it's still not greater than the good old U.S. of A, am I right, folks?and its ability to create and maintain its substantial atmosphere of
mostly CO2 as having such an abundance (12 ppm) of helium that=92s
CROW: That everyone talking about Venus has a silly voice.mostly CO2 as having such an abundance (12 ppm) of helium that=92s
offering roughly 200+ times as much as Earth,
TOM: 210 times as much if you don't count Iowa.and having sustained its
terrific atmosphere without benefit of any moon or
CROW: Or even Moon Helper! Make your moon into a meal!terrific atmosphere without benefit of any moon or
the geomagnetic
protection like our planet has to work with,
JOEL: The invaluable help of Earth's jaunty like our planet has to work with,
is truly an impressive
TOM: Even bigger than that guy who ate 40 White Castle burgers at one sitting.accomplishment,
and especially for a smaller than Earth like planet w/
o moon and managed even though it=92s so much closer to the sun.
CROW: And even though it's in a region zoned ``light commercial/sulfuric acid''.o moon and managed even though it=92s so much closer to the sun.
Firstly, our mainstream eyecandy cache of science infomercials via our
public funded NASA and otherwise NOVA as owned by Google,
JOEL: Google, run by Rankin-Bass, operated by Cougartown, a division of RCA.public funded NASA and otherwise NOVA as owned by Google,
could just
as easily help with exploiting this ongoing research if they wanted
TOM: But they're too busy making up Twitter accounts from Mars easily help with exploiting this ongoing research if they wanted
and otherwise without their assistance you might try to understand
that we really do not need to use microscopic or even much higher
CROW: Wait, you're bringing a microscope out to look at Venus?that we really do not need to use microscopic or even much higher
TOM: I'm picturing a flock of astronomers with those little toy microscopes pointing up at the sky and looking at their fingerprints.
than 75 m/pixel imaging when the items of most interest
have always been so extremely or unusually big to begin with.
JOEL: It sounds so obvious when you hear it. Just look at Big Venus instead!have always been so extremely or unusually big to begin with.
So, you
can continue to argue that these images as a derivative from a 36
CROW: Or you can have the halfback sneak around the corner right after the snap and run over to the concession stands.can continue to argue that these images as a derivative from a 36
confirming look or scanned composite offering this initial 225 meters
per pixel format are simply not good enough,
JOEL: But they made an honest effort and we appreciate them for that.per pixel format are simply not good enough,
but you=92d only be proving
to yourself and others as to how unintelligent and/or obstructive that
sort of closed or naysay mindset really is stuck in denial more than
TOM: This is that new shame-based astronomy you hear so much yourself and others as to how unintelligent and/or obstructive that
sort of closed or naysay mindset really is stuck in denial more than
CROW: It's all the rage among space geeks with low self-esteem.
Venus is perhaps not unlike hell,
JOEL: What isn't?CROW: Hades.
but otherwise its unusually high
metallicity as indicated by its radar reflective attributes and its
considerable surplus of helium
TOM: And excessive supplies of silly bouncy balls.metallicity as indicated by its radar reflective attributes and its
considerable surplus of helium
CROW: Venus leads the inner solar system in paper cups with jokes written on the bottom!
JOEL: No other planet has so much Mork And Mindy themed bubble gum!
plus the mostly geothermal driven
environment, is at least technically manageable
CROW: For all those planets that need PERT charts.environment, is at least technically manageable
TOM: They're hoping to be the first ISO 9001-certified space thingy.
as long as you have a
functioning brain of at least a 5th grader
CROW: Or a third and a second grader put together.functioning brain of at least a 5th grader
TOM: Or a seventh grader and a minus-second grader.
JOEL: Two tenth-graders and a minus fifteenth grader.
without all the usual
mainstream status-quo tumors that disable your investigative skills
and deductive reasoning,
JOEL: Have all your astronomy questions answered by Mark Trail!mainstream status-quo tumors that disable your investigative skills
and deductive reasoning,
that=92s otherwise considered as human
CROW: We're looking for the thinking men's tumors here.intelligence.
Of course to most of you that have taken a basic look-see at this old
Magellan radar obtained image of Venus,
TOM: You're a bunch of peepers!Magellan radar obtained image of Venus,
JOEL: Want to be a peeper too.
and especially of the fuzzy or
blocky pixel image of =93Guth Venus=94 or =93GuthVenus=94,
CROW: Guth Venus '94!blocky pixel image of =93Guth Venus=94 or =93GuthVenus=94,
TOM: He's running with Vermin Supreme.
is perhaps
suggestive of nothing more than offering a nasty looking terrain of
random geology
CROW: Just throw that glacial moraine anywhere. I'm kind of living out of my asthenosphere.suggestive of nothing more than offering a nasty looking terrain of
random geology
JOEL: Vermin knows better.
with piles of extruded hot rock that just so happen to
look as though artificial or as having been intelligently morphed into
what seems to offer rational patterns.
TOM: Well, sure. Look at that big 'EAT AT ZERBLATT'S' sign on the equator.look as though artificial or as having been intelligently morphed into
what seems to offer rational patterns.
However, within these highly
confirmed patterns of such mostly hot rock are several odd geometric
JOEL: Like the sulfuric acid parallelogram.confirmed patterns of such mostly hot rock are several odd geometric
CROW: Finally my geometry teacher will respect me!
of somewhat large scale and offering us those extremely
interesting formations,
TOM: Marching in uniform and playing brass instruments!interesting formations,
that at least on Earth or upon any other
imaged planet or moon
CROW: Or accretion disc!imaged planet or moon
TOM: Or black hole!
hasn=92t come remotely close to offering this
level of sophisticated geology complexity
JOEL: They had little cozies for their martini glasses.level of sophisticated geology complexity
and rational community
looking configuration or modification of such a mountainous terrain
TOM: Perfect for filming Venus Car commercials!looking configuration or modification of such a mountainous terrain
JOEL: You'll love cruising in the new Buick Aphrodite 8.
This makes GuthVenus into a one of a kind off-world location,
at least up until other better resolution images become available.
TOM: But you can join and operate a GuthPlanet Franchise today!at least up until other better resolution images become available.
CROW: Prime locations still available.
JOEL: GuthSaturn closing soon!
Besides merely following my deductive interpretations,
CROW: Socrates is a mortal.JOEL: Planets will not last forever.
TOM: No two-headed person has ever been Vice-President.
CROW: The owner of the dog does not have a job as a plumber.
JOEL: Therefore Socrates is a mermaid!
TOM: Logical, logical.
do reconsider
as to bothering yourself to take another subjective look-see
CROW: Call ahead! It'd be embarrassing if Venus were out when you get to bothering yourself to take another subjective look-see
and then
honestly interpret this thick and dense atmospheric insulated terrain
for yourself,
TOM: But ask for help understanding the dirty jokes in the Malagasy Orogeny.honestly interpret this thick and dense atmospheric insulated terrain
for yourself,
as to what some of those highly unusual patterns could
possibly represent, as anything other than the random geology
happenstance of hot rocks.
CROW: I see a bunny.possibly represent, as anything other than the random geology
happenstance of hot rocks.
JOEL: I see a painting by Thomas Eakins.
=93Guth Venus=94 1:1, plus 10x resample/enlargement of the area in
TOM: Are we to suppose this is some ``magic late-bombardment protoplanet''?
JOEL: The picture is nice enough but I like seeing all those 3's up there.This is not to say that 99.9999% of this Venus surface doesn=92t look
perfectly natural (at least it does to me),
CROW: And I've been looking at things for *years*!perfectly natural (at least it does to me),
just like the surface of
Earth might look if having to use the exact same SAR-C imaging methods
TOM: The same saucy imaging methods? Wow!Earth might look if having to use the exact same SAR-C imaging methods
and its limited resolution that could be easily improved upon by any
new missions for mapping Venus in greater detail (such as 7.5 meters/
CROW: Oh, we'd just run out of pixels at that missions for mapping Venus in greater detail (such as 7.5 meters/
After all, a millionth of that hot Venus surface area is
still 4.6e8 m2, or 460 km2,
TOM: Or sixty barleycorns, two pottles, and half a Lords-Whacking-Stick!still 4.6e8 m2, or 460 km2,
and this most complex area of =93Guth
Venus=94 (100 x 100 pixels or 506 km2
CROW: 485 if you use coupon code GUTHVENUS!Venus=94 (100 x 100 pixels or 506 km2
) that which includes mostly
natural geology, isn=92t involving but a fraction more than a millionth
of the Venus surface area,
JOEL: It all adds up to three squintillionths of a Venusian barleycorn!natural geology, isn=92t involving but a fraction more than a millionth
of the Venus surface area,
and yet it seems as though highly developed
and to a large enough scale that makes for deductively interpreting
those patterns
JOEL: Socrates is a mortal.and to a large enough scale that makes for deductively interpreting
those patterns
TOM: Pants are rarely worn on the head.
CROW: A person with plenty of time need not run for the train.
TOM: Oranges are not sharp metal instruments.
JOEL: Therefore, Socrates is being chased by a tiger!
as rather easy and reliably pixel truthworthy items
that do in fact exist because the image resampling process isn=92t even
capable of artificially creating them.
TOM: Iron-clad proof! These pictures are impossible to make!that do in fact exist because the image resampling process isn=92t even
capable of artificially creating them.
It can also be suggested and reasonably argued that initially (4+
billion years ago)
JOEL: Actually it was 3.95 billion years ago. It just aged badly.billion years ago)
our sun was 25% cooler than nowadays (possibly a
third cooler),
CROW: Back when it wore those hipster glasses.third cooler),
TOM: Hipster sunglasses.
thereby making Venus quite Goldilocks approved even if
she was naked and totally dumbfounded.
JOEL: Didn't Theodore Sturgeon write this story?she was naked and totally dumbfounded.
But even this cool beginning
still doesn=92t fully explain as to why such a large and complex
geometric sale of a structured community
CROW: Featuring a golf course, a security booth, and a clubhouse!still doesn=92t fully explain as to why such a large and complex
geometric sale of a structured community
or mining operation was
TOM: Well, what's mine is mine.established,
JOEL: Or Daffy Duck's.
and as to why Venus has been radiating such a large
amount of its geothermal core energy
CROW: Maybe it's trying to keep power the Autobots?amount of its geothermal core energy
plus having been creating all of
that unprotected atmosphere that should have been extensively solar
wind blown away as of more than a billion years ago,
CROW: Except Venus's Mom made it wear a sensible woolen cap!that unprotected atmosphere that should have been extensively solar
wind blown away as of more than a billion years ago,
whereas instead
there=92s more than enough new atmosphere created to make up for the
lack of having a protective geomagnetosphere.
JOEL: An over-protective geomagnetosphere. It makes Venus call home every like ten minutes.there=92s more than enough new atmosphere created to make up for the
lack of having a protective geomagnetosphere.
BTW; there=92s terrestrial objective proof that life even as we know
it can adjust or acclimate to extreme pressures and even tolerate much
higher temperatures,
TOM: What Guth means is, squirrels know how to work the can adjust or acclimate to extreme pressures and even tolerate much
higher temperatures,
and yet lo and behold there's still no American
flags on Venus,
CROW: But there's the flag of Burkina Faso on Neptune. Go figure.flags on Venus,
but there have been USSR/Russian flags on multiple
landers that got there decades before us.
TOM: To be fair, the flag of Venus is all over Italy.landers that got there decades before us.
JOEL: Oh yeah.
So, perhaps we=92ll have to
accept that Venus and all of its natural resources belongs to Russia.
CROW: Giving Russia a huge lead in the uninhabitable wasteland race.accept that Venus and all of its natural resources belongs to Russia.
Otherwise NOVA as having been owned by Google could help all of us
better understand and appreciate what the extremely nearby planet
Venus has to offer, but only if they wanted to.
JOEL: Google is figuring they can use Venus to store Usenet.better understand and appreciate what the extremely nearby planet
Venus has to offer, but only if they wanted to.
Obviously our NASA
has been avoiding this extremely nearby planet,
TOM: They're playing hard-to-get so Venus will be interested in NASA.has been avoiding this extremely nearby planet,
perhaps because our
expertise and talent for getting active probes to survive with that
atmosphere is simply less than what Russians have accomplished.
CROW: Like crashing into Venus and melting.expertise and talent for getting active probes to survive with that
atmosphere is simply less than what Russians have accomplished.
TOM: GuthVenus was tried in the fourth district court, county of Los Angeles. In a moment, the results of that trial.
CROW: [ Chanting the Dragnet theme ] Dun-dah-dun-dun.
Brad Guth,Brad_Guth,Brad.Guth,BradGuth,BG,Guth Usenet/=94Guth Venus=94
TOM: GuthVenus was convicted of existing and sentenced to not more than twenty Venusian days of hard labor and between three and seven Latin pedants arguing about what its adjective should be.CROW: [ Chanting the Dragnet theme ] Dun-dah-dun-dun-DAAAAAH.
JOEL: Well, nice seeing everyone again.
TOM: Yeah, let's blow this popsicle stand.
[ ALL file out. ]
Mystery Science Theater 3000 is the creation and the property of Best Brains. Brad Guth and Guth Venus are the creation and property of Brad Guth, and I certainly don't mean to take over any of that. This fan fiction was created by Joseph Nebus, and should not be taken internally except as ordered by a Venusian. My little Still-Store web site will be back up and running soon with all sorts of new behind-the-scenes coding that petty Venusian minds could not begin to comprehend.
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Keep riffing the posts.
honestly interpret this thick and dense atmospheric insulated terrain
for yourself, as to what some of those highly unusual patterns could
possibly represent, as anything other than the random geology
happenstance of hot rocks.
for yourself, as to what some of those highly unusual patterns could
possibly represent, as anything other than the random geology
happenstance of hot rocks.
-- Joseph Nebus
Current Entry: Reading The Comics, December 28, 2012
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Joseph Nebus
Current Entry: Reading The Comics, December 28, 2012